ufrpe.br César França | Departamento de Computação

César França


Doutor em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2014), tendo cursado Doutorado Sanduíche pelo CNPq na The Open University (Reino Unido). Possui os títulos B.Sc. em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2005), e M.Sc. em Ciências da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2009). Atualmente é Professor de Engenharia de Software no Departamento de Computação na Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE). Foi também consultor de pesquisas no C.E.S.A.R, e tem larga experiência na área de Ciência da Computação, com ênfase em Engenharia de Software Empírica e Experimental, atuando principalmente em temas relacionados a comportamento organizacional e educação.

Doctor in Computer Science for the Federal University of Pernambuco (Since 2014), with doctoral internship at The Open University (UK). Currently, I am professor of Software Engineering at the Departamento de Computação of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. 



Classical Theories of Human Motivation - Book

This book brings a compilation of six classic theories of human motivation developed by some of the most respected scientists in this field: (1) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory; (2) McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y; (3) Herzberg's Two Factor Theory; (4) Vroom's Expectancy Theory; (5) Locke's Goal Setting Theory; (6) Locke's Job Satisfaction Theory; and (7) Hackman's Job Characteristics Theory. For each one of the selected theories, you will find information about the author, about how the theory was conceived, its core ideas and concepts, and main observations and revisions made by other theorists and researchers. All the references can be found at the end of each chapter, ordered by publication date. http://bit.ly/motivation-theories


Motivation and Satisfaction of Software EngineersIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 

Context: The proper management of people can help software organisations to achieve higher levels of success. However, the limited attention paid to the appropriate use of theories to underpin the research in this area leaves it unclear how to deal with human aspects of software engineers, such as motivation and satisfaction. Objectives: This article aims to expose what drives the motivation and satisfaction of software engineers at work. Methods: A multiple case study was conducted at four software organisations in Brazil. For 11 months, data was collected using semi-structured interviews, diary studies, and document analyses. Results: The Theory of Motivation and Satisfaction of Software Engineers (TMS-SE), presented in this article, combines elements from well established theories with new findings, and translates them into the software engineering context. Conclusion: The TMS-SE advances the understanding of people management in the software engineering field and presents a strong conceptual framework for future investigations in this area. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2018.2842201


cesar [at] franssa.com

(81) 9 95 345678



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